
Purchase EAS Equipment and Tags

We offer a wide array of EAS equipment and tags for sale, designed to meet the diverse needs of different retail environments. Our products are reliable and high-quality, aimed to reduce inventory loss and enhance store security effectively.

Features & Benefits

Enhanced Security

Purchasing EAS Equipment and Tags greatly enhances the security of your store by minimizing shoplifting and inventory loss


By purchasing your own EAS equipment, you can choose from a variety of systems and tags that best suit your store's needs, ensuring the best fit for your specific merchandise and layout.


Owning EAS equipment is a long-term investment that can save costs over time. With your own system, there's no need to pay recurring rental or service fees.


Purchasing gives you full control over your EAS system. You can adjust and modify the system as your business needs change.

Improved Customer Experience

EAS tags and systems can help streamline the checkout process, reducing waiting times and leading to a better shopping experience for your customers.

In Stock & Ready to Ship

We offer an entire suite of EAS products. We can replace any existing product from another provider. If it is on the market we have an identical or similar product.

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Call for a customized solution

We work with large retailers to help identify, plan, and install the right EAS system for your stores. Contact us today for a fast and free consultation.

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